Why Sugar Leaves A Bitter Aftertaste in the Fight Against Covid-19


Here at Secure Your Wellness we truly love Christmas. Our Studio Team has already swapped out our vanilla scented candles for a classic yuletide cinnamon and apple pie scent. We’re excitedly discussing our gift lists and Christmas plans. And we can’t help but play a little Bing Crosby here and there, to make our serene Secure Your Wellness offices feel just that little bit more Christmas-y!

Sweet as Sugar!

One thing we all love about this time of year is the cute little candy canes that seem to appear everywhere. In fact, at this time of year, it feels like everywhere we look, we see candy!

Christmas itself really can be as sweet as sugar. Pass any department store in December and you’ll find yourself gazing longingly through their windows at little gingerbread houses, delectable treats, sugared almonds, and chocolate pralines. Row after row of tiny little gift boxes filled with champagne truffles are a genuine feast for the eyes!

And the spiced pumpkin latte at your local coffee store? Just too good to resist!

Desserts Laid Down on a Tabale

A Bitter Aftertaste?

But woah, there.

We’ve just heard about some breaking Covid-19 research that might leave a bitter aftertaste in your mouth.

As it turns out, while sugar might taste sweet, its role in Covid-19 is proving to be anything but.

A Spoonful of Sugar (Doesn’t) Help the Medicine Go Down

Medical studies have recently confirmed that sugar intake plays a central role1 in the severity of Covid-19 symptoms. Here’s how it works.

Glucose metabolism plays a key role in the cytokine storm caused by Covid-19. A cytokine storm is basically a surge of signaling proteins that causes a rapid inflammatory response in the body when it detects the virus. And that inflammatory response can cause a lot of physical damage.

Now, if your diet is high in sugar, it means that your body is already suffering from inflammation. And that means that it is primed to enter a hyper-inflammatory state if you do contract Covid-19. The result? Far more severe symptoms. Which is exactly why recent research2 has noted that ‘Sugar consumption has been shown to affect Covid-19 mortality by contributing to the chronic inflammatory state’.

A high sugar diet can also diminish your immune response to Covid-19, colds, or flu. Why? Because it can cause poor insulin reactivity3. We need insulin to process glucose effectively – and without an effective glucose response, we can’t launch the effective antiviral response that we need to stave off illness.


So Do We Have to Cancel Christmas?!

In truth, a lot of Americans are likely to be at risk of sugar-induced inflammation. That’s because the average American consumes around a whopping 152 pounds of sugar a year (and for reference, that’s about the same weight as a mountain goat!).

Around 80% of us are already planning to fill our families’ stockings to the brim with sweets, while our shared sweet tooth drives a gargantuan $11 billion candy market. And that’s before we’ve even discussed the avalanche of sugar in seemingly ‘healthy’ products (for example, there’s even a spoonful of sugar in those two slices of toast that you had for breakfast!)

It’s hard to change that kind of sugar-reliant diet overnight. But swapping out sugar completely for vitamins, minerals and whole grains clearly is a sensible way to go. In fact, when it comes to fighting back against Covid-19, science clearly shows us4 that nutrition matters.

So does that mean we have to cancel Christmas?!


A New Year’s Resolution That You’ll Stick To!

Hell, no!

Here at Secure Your Wellness, we believe that a little of something you love is always good for the soul.

That’s why we’ve developed our incredible antivirals and immunity-boosting supplements. So that you can flood your body with exactly what it needs while still enjoying an indulgent Christmas.

Fancy a more intensive solution, post-Christmas? Then consider our exclusive, physician-grade, life-changing Studio Detox program. It’ll flood your body with the highest-grade nutrients, vitamins, minerals, and amino acids on the market while kicking your sugar habit to the kerb. You’ll flush out toxins at the same time, ending inflammation for good.

Whichever option you choose, make 2022 the year that counts. Investing in your health is a new year’s resolution that will truly pay off – so get ready to enjoy the benefits!

And if you’d like to find out more, reach out today – we’re always here to help!